“When Chocolate Melts”

– a Guyanese play depicting aspects of gender-based violence

pic2“When Chocolate Melts” will be held on November 9-10 at the National Cultural Centre commencing at 19:00h on both evenings. The theatrical presentation is promoted by the Indian Arrival Committee (IAC).

The play, which is written and directed by Neaz Subhan, examines some thematic areas with regards to family, while emphasising the challenges faced when confronted with aspects of domestic abuse and its related effects.

It juxtaposes one’s responsibility to the family, while grappling with the trauma he/she experiences from such abuse, while bringing to the fore the vulnerability of children who become trapped in these scenarios.

Other aspects of how such situations should be dealt with given the pressures of culture, stigma and law enforcement are also examined.

Given the many unfortunate incidents of gender-based violence in Guyana, the IAC believes that this play presents an important and effective medium not only to reinforce messages, but to empower with the desire to engineer behavioural change. The IAC does not condone gender-based violence in any form and has always made its position known publicly.

The eleven cast members are Chris Gopaul, Nirmala Narine, Mahadeo Shivraj, Nazimul Hussein, Tonya Singh, Sonia Yarde, Simone Persaud, Keisha Narine, Romel Edmundson, Shonna Chowtie and Shawn Budhna.

This is not the first play the IAC would have produced that examines aspects of domestic violence. In 2009, it staged Vijay Tendulkar’s “Kanyadaan”.

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